Could air quality monitoring become mandatory?

A first reading of the Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill in the House of Lords could see both internal and external air quality monitoring becoming a legal requirement in the future.

Known as ‘Ella’s Law’, after Ella Roberta Kissi-Debrah, whose 2013 death was attributed to air pollution, the proposed reforms would legalise the public right to clean air.

Applicable to indoor and outdoor environments, and both residential and commercial buildings, Ella’s Law isn’t about demanding specific targets be met. Instead, it’s focused on raising awareness and understanding of the issue, encouraging the public to demand that the air they breathe is cleaner.

The news means building operators could be required to measure and report quantities of airborne contaminants, whether they come from the building itself, HVAC systems or anywhere else. This paves the way for the greater use of products like ours that provide clean air, so building operators can stay within the law.